Articles Tagged With: Stage2

Review: James and The Giant Peach at Maryland Ensemble Theatre

Marvelous things! Amazing, incredible, flabbergasting, marvelous things await theatergoers of all ages on the Maryland Ensemble Theatre’s Stage2 Performance Space as their Fun Company proudly presents James and The Giant Peach. Adapted to the stage by David Wood from the imaginative novel by Roald Dahl, this twisty and highly chimerical tale spins a story of a young lad called James and the marvelous things that await him once he encounters the giant peach.

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Review: Junie B. Jones in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells at MET’s Fun Company

Great family-friendly entertainment plus your favorite theatre in Frederick equals the Maryland Ensemble Theatre’s Fun Company holiday production of Junie B. Jones in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells. BOOM! You do the math! That’s right, everyone! It’s that time of year when Junie B. Jones starts her holiday shenanigans with jingle-bell hats, Christmas sing-a-longs and— a burp-in-a-bag? Directed by Julie Herber, Adapted by Allison Gregory, and based on the book by Barbara Park,

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Review: The Cat in the Hat at MET’s Fun Company

Whether it is raining outside or perhaps it is sunny,

The MET’s Fun Company has a show that is funny!

It’s a fanciful jaunt, a chance to let your imagination run loose!

Because they’re mounting a production adapted from Dr. Seuss!

Katie Mitchell, the Adaptor, of this fantastical story

Adapts The Cat in the Hat and all of its glory!

Directed by Julie Herber,

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Review: The Shape of Things at Maryland Ensemble Theatre

Anyone can be provocative. But there is a line drawn between saying something artistic and just saying something for attention. At least there should be. Shouldn’t there? Are love and cruelty human heartfelt emotions or merely subjective terms thrown about loosely in the art scene for the sake of creating truth in art? In a twisted and evocative emotional drama, the Maryland Ensemble Theatre, through their MET-X Production Squad, discovers the honesty in art and poses the question ‘what makes art?’ and ‘when has art gone too far?’ in a compelling and versatile performance of The Shape of Things,

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