Articles Tagged With: Katherine Vary

Bright Half Life at The Strand Theatre

When I was
considering attending Tanya Barfield’s Bright Half Life, I committed a
horrendous crime, in that I read a review containing a summary.  A couple starting out like a fire caused by a
comet.  The marvelous beginning, the slow
and painful waning, and an end showcasing the doom that was always in store, as
if asking us if it was really worth the good times.  Knowing the half-life referred to a
relationship and not a radioactive isotope was all I was after! 

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Review: Julius Caesar at Baltimore Shakespeare Factory

Let me tell you a story.  You’ll have to listen well since the cicadas and crickets have devious plots.  Plots as thick and syrupy as Cassius’ (Utkarsh Rajawat) to slide vengeance into the noble heart of Brutus (Shannon Ziegler) under the guise of freedom.  Baltimore Shakespeare Factory’s production of Julius Caesar is like a story told with a group of friends and family: a campfire tale told in a semi-circle of Tikki torches in the swirling beauty on the ground of the Evergreen Museum and Library. 

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Review: Hamlet at Cohesion Theatre Company

The mayhem never stops over at Cohesion Theatre Company and their latest mount to the stage is truly wondrous strange. Taking William Shakespeare’s Hamlet to task, Director Alice Stanely refocuses the driving forces of the plot’s actions and tunes them into the highly potent pathos of grief. Coping with loss is never easy, and the ways in which human beings express these feelings are nothing short of evocative, stirring, and daringly dramatic as witnessed in this production.

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Review: The Pretties at Glass Mind Theatre

To have a dark task isn’t the worst fate, even death does not hold that honor. The gods will not be plagued if you do not call after them, but they may lay a pox upon you if you don’t call after Glass Mind Theatre and their current production of The Pretties. Inspired by The Oresteia and Adapted by Ann Turiano, The Pretties unfolds in a new performance space for GMT under the Direction of Lynn Morton.

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