Articles Tagged With: Strand Theater

The Lady Was A Gentleman at The Strand Theater

From the very first millisecond of Barbara Khan’s The Lady was a Gentleman, I knew I was in for a wonderful treat!  In an instant, the production begins and the audience is swept into an aura of light, and energy, and laughter.  Led by a brief dumb show that allows the characters to take the stage and give a silent, yet physically over exaggerated sense of who they are, the production immediately becomes alive and allows for a fantastic transposition from the mundane world into the world of a St.

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Crisis Mode: Living Pilipino in America at The Strand Theater

Crisis Mode: Living Pilipino in America at the Strand Theater

“If every Filipino lit a candle at the same time, we would light up the world”

The popular American narrative is one based around how this nation was built on people immigrating to these shores from a variety of other lands in search of work, opportunity, or security (whether by choice or by force).  Additionally, the brutal historic reality is that this narrative has always been carefully focused on specific populations at specific points in time,

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High School Coven at The Strand Theater

Curse, comfort, conjure; three words that Director Lee Conderacci uses in her “feminist practice and in her theatre art.” (words directly from Conderacci.) This time her artistic undertaking is Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin’s High School Coven, at The Strand Theater. Three words that individually bring forth a myriad of thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Three words that together allow us to see the world through the eyes of Conderacci, even for a brief two hours;

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Baking with Betty: An Interview with Cast and Creative Team of Strand Theater Company’s Exit Pluto

A change— a change— will do you good! A change will do you good! Unless of course you’re Betty and petrified of change. In the second mainstage production of the 2016/2017 at Strand Theater Company, now fully residing in Hamilton on Baltimore’s east side, Exit Pluto is ready to shake up the world of Betty and her bakery! In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with the creative team— including the director,

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Review: Net Worth at Strand Theater

Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth. Do you know your Net Worth? Bari does, down to the penny. But does knowing your Net Worth make provide you with happiness? Do things like job security, financial stability, and the almighty sense of safety in both of those elements really equate to happiness? In this emotionally entrenched one-woman exploration, which kicks off the 2016/2017 for Strand Theater Company in their brand new home on Harford Road,

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