Articles Tagged With: Pointless Theatre Company

.dØt:: a RotoPlastic Ballet at Pointless Theatre Company

The system only works if the system comes first.

The system only works if— errør— :://cødΞ does not c-c-compute. There is a GLITCH in the system.

It’s just a glitch. Ignore it. Move on.

It’s just a— .dØt, after all.

The statistical possibility of one little— .dØt— becoming the downfall of the system— why that’s impossible. Isn’t it? Pointless Theatre Company astonishes and amazes with their newest production:  .dØt:: a RotoPlastic Ballet.

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Review: A Very Pointless Holiday Spectacular at Pointless Theatre

Ho! Ho! Holiday-mamma-freaking-ho! The Pointless Theatre is bringing their annual tradition, A Very Pointless Holiday Spectacular to the stage for 2015 and they’re going to sack it to you, Santa babies! It’s the North Pole’s 239th annual talent show and Mrs. Claus and the elves are ready to get down, boogie, and go to town on the one night a year that they get off— and holy holiday moly do they get off!

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