Articles Tagged With: Christopher D. Cahill

Review: The Gazebo at Cockpit in Court

It’s utterly frightening how guilty one can make an innocent man look if one truly tries. But what if the innocent man isn’t so innocent? Or what if he’s guilty and innocent at the same time? Will you be able to keep up with the mayhem and calamity that unfolds in the madcap comedic thriller, The Gazebo on the cabaret stage at Cockpit in Court this summer? Only one way to find out!

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Review: Towards Zero at Cockpit in Court

There’s a suggestion of gunpowder in the air, one small spark might set off an explosion upstairs in the Theatre Building this season at Cockpit in Court as they present what is quickly becoming an annual tradition of murder mystery on their stage. Agatha Christie’s Towards Zero is the latest play to fall victim to this yearly tradition and although there’s nary a gun in the show (not even so much as mentioned!),

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Review: The Wizard of Oz at Suburban Players

Somewhere over the beltway, way out east— there’s a church called St. Demetrios, serving up a big Greek feast. Somewhere over in Carny, The Suburban Players know, they are producing a stage dream for the 41st season show. With Director Mark Briner, and Musical Director Patricia DeLisle, go beyond the rainbow for a true community theatre experience with The Wizard of Oz. Classic and charming, this delightful performance lives up to the standards that The Suburban Players have set over the last four decades of performing quality theatre as a community effort.

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